While going somewhere familiar to kick back and relax is always nice, there’s a certain appeal in taking the plunge and trying somewhere new. But just how do you choose where to travel to? momondo’s brand new feature, Anywhere Search, is the perfect place to start.
Anywhere search gives you a new kind of search experience, inspiring you to broaden your horizons, discover new places and explore the world. It’s easy!
You can either just click in the box or type ‘anywhere’
Choose your departure city or airport, then click in the ‘Where to’ box and choose ‘Take me anywhere’
Pick a country – any country!
Scroll through the countries shown, and pick one takes your fancy (don’t forget you can filter by price or popularity).
Choose the city that appeals to you
Next, choose a city in that country that gets your curiosity going.
Get booking!
And, wham! You’ve got flight results for your new favourite destination.
Of course you don’t have to start with anywhere – you can start by choosing a region, e.g. Tuscany; a country; or even a whole continent. No matter if you’re looking for cheap holidays with kids, new summer holiday destinations or just a cheap break – chances are you’ll find somewhere unexpected.
Remember to check the Price Calendar at the top of the results to see if changing your dates could save you a lot – a day or two difference could mean big savings!
So, if you’re stuck for holiday ideas and not sure where to travel to, why not give it a try? Who knows, you might find your next favourite place, and at the very least, you’ll open your world to somewhere new.