At momondo we believe that everybody should be able to travel the world, meet other people and experience other cultures and religions. Doing so brings us closer together; bridging gaps between people and cultures across the globe.

In an independent survey of 7,292 people across 18 countries, we found out that over half of us believe there would be less intolerance in the world if people travelled more, and three quarters of us think that travelling has made us look more positively on differences and diversity. We see the intolerance and discrimination of the world to be a manmade phenomenon, that often comes to fruition in adulthood.

Joining forces to help the next generation open our world

That’s why momondo has embarked on an exciting journey with the international peace education charity, CISV (Children’s International Summer Village), whose aim it is to promote tolerance globally. CISV works to unite more children and teenagers of the world by building intercultural friendships between them.

Like CISV, we believe in giving more children and teenagers the world over the opportunity to meet their peers, build intercultural friendships and break down barriers. We envision a world in which differences are a source of inspiration and where meetings between people of different cultures create a more profound understanding of who we are.

momondo will help promote the work of CISV in developing new educational and inspirational initiatives that nurture intercultural friendship and promote cooperation globally. Our 5 ways to open our world through traveling are very much at the centre of our upcoming journey with CISV:

1. Lower your guard

Open your mind and put a leash on your judgement

2. Do talk to strangers

Not only the staff at your hotel. A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet. A quick question might turn into an inspirational conversation.

3. Say yes!

Travelling is not just about destinations, it’s about what happens along the way. Yes, is the magic word to new experiences. Yes, I’m lost. Yes, I’d love to dance. Yes, there’s room at this table.

4. Stay curious

Have courage to do something for the first time. Travelling is about crossing borders, including the ones you have put up for yourself.

5. Care to Share

Let friends and family see the beauty and friendliness of the world through your eyes.

To find out more about how we are supporting CISV International, please visit

About the author

Allan KortbækPublished author, Journalist, Photographer, Digital Strategist and father are some of the many hats that Allan wears when he blurs the lines between his passion for travel and sharing it with the rest of the world. A lover of the ocean and its waves, Allan is a budding surfer and an all-year round swimmer obsessed with the insanity of winter dips.

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